Actions Data

User/Entry Status

You can check the user/entry status:

  1. by address: enter the user address, eg: if a user reports his ineligibility, then you can collect his address to check.

  2. by entry category: Check the status of a whole category, eg, the holding token.

  3. by status: checking, completed or invalid.

  4. by date: choose the time period you want to check.

Invalid Status

When reviewing your campaign, you may come across some entries that are marked invalid. A few reasons may result in invalid status:

  • The user did not complete the action successfully

  • The user joined Telegram or Discord but didn’t send messages to keep active

  • We detected suspicious fraud activity from the user

You can make a bulk change to the status. For example, if you want to change all invalid ‘join Port3 Network on Discord’ to complete, just follow these steps:

select action category from a dropdown list ➡️ select ‘invalid’ status from a dropdown list ➡️ tick the top checkbox ➡️ mark 'Selected as Completed'

❗️ ❗️To tick the top checkbox means the status on the first page (not all pages) will be changed to complete.

Last updated