Campaign Report

We populate analytics for you in both the dashboard and campaign page as soon as your campaign receives entries.

On Dashboard

Campaign report for your campaign in the dashboard includes:

  • Impressions: The number of visits your campaign has received. If someone visits your campaign (whether they enter or not), this is counted as an “impression”.

  • Users: The number of unique users who have completed at least one entry step in your campaign.

  • Actions: The number of unique entry steps completed by users. 1 person completing 1 entry step is counted as 1 action.

  • Convert Rate: This is the percentage of users that have entered your campaign after viewing the giveaway.

On campaign page:

You can also trace the campaign performance on the campaign page in a real-time way.

  • Total entries: The total number of entries completed by all users.

  • Actions: The number of unique entry steps completed by users. 1 person completing 1 entry is counted as 1 action. This is the same as the action number in the dashboard.

  • Participants: The number of unique users who have completed at least one entry step in your campaign. This is the same as the user number in the dashboard.

Last updated